Bluebonnets To Peaches

We’re Here!
July 25, 2008, 1:59 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

We made it to Georgia!

Now, I know you are all wondering how much luggage it takes when you are going to be gone for a month, so here’s a picture

In case you want the breakdown, here it is: 9 pieces of luggage, 1 car seat bag (not pictured), 1 small duffle bag, 1 laptop and 2 children backpacks.  We could have purchased another airline ticket for what we paid in luggage charges!  We were quite a site making our way through the airport with all of our luggage, but we made it! 

Nick’s favorite part of the airport were the self-flushing toilets!  After watching it flush all by itself he exclaimed “That’s Awesome!”

We are very tired after a day of travel so we are off to bed.  I will post more soon 🙂 Good night!